Step 1. Go to (or your specific company domain).
Step 2. Click on the GREY ‘Reset Password’ link below the orange Sign in button.
Step 3. Enter your username. (Many people use their email address as their username) and tap on "Start the reset process"
Step 4. Check for an EMAIL and click ONCE on the link. Do not double click.
Step 5. Check for an SMS and enter the confirmation code
Step 6. Enter a new password of your choice
Step 7. Confirm your new password
Step 8. You will be returned to the login page.
Step 9. Please sign in with your new password.
For a more detailed step by step guide on how to reset your password, tap on the User guide link
Individual User Starter Guide password reset
Here are some helpful hints to help you avoid any password resetting frustration in the future:
1. Your username is most likely to be your email address
2. Change your password to something that you will remember, Copy and paste this link into your browser for more helpful hints
Never forget your username and password
3. Please DO NOT double click on any link you receive to reset your password. ONLY click ONCE.
Please note :
Some Divisions username and passwords are controlled by their web service. If you are having any difficulties resetting your password, kindly email / Chat to a Customer Support Agent or call +27872351770 (Mon - Fri 8am - 5pm Excluding South African public holidays)